5 technologies to adopt

Ensuring your company keeps up with the best practices will guarantee future progress and keep your business competitive.

The Five Business Technologies You'll Want to Adopt

Ensuring your company keeps up with the best practices will guarantee future progress and keep your business competitive.

Many technologies once considered breakthroughs have become commonplace in today's business world. That's why companies that miss out on these improvements risk losing their market to more agile competitors. 

You want to make sure your business is on the winning side.


Start by ensuring you have these five business technologies.

1. CRMs

Customer relationship management, or CRM, tools help your business handle contact and lead information better. Enabling you to manage your call and email communication with clients easier.

These tools are relatively inexpensive today, and they'll make your customer services and marketing much more straightforward. 

The software's cloud-based, so there's less hassle to expect. And with the revenue increase and lesser marketing costs that come with it, the investment will prove quite profitable.

2. Remote Work

Remote jobs are becoming a large part of today's business world, offering many benefits to businesses and employees alike. 

Such benefits also apply if your business has the required infrastructure for remote work. This model makes finding qualified workers easier, monitoring the work process and progress, and reducing office space expenses.

Not to mention, employees will benefit from a flexible schedule and a less stressful work environment while saving precious time they would otherwise spend in work transit.

3. Cloud Services

Although cloud services aren't a new addition by any means, some businesses are still not using them. They miss out on the functionality and convenience such a service provides.

A reliable cloud service could make your business data safer and less dependent on computer systems at the workplace. Clouds also make real-time project sharing and remote work possible, contributing to overall work efficiency.

From data storage to accounting, cloud services can improve many aspects of your business. There's no reason not to take advantage of the benefits of cloud services with how affordable, and accessible they've become.

4. Location Services

Localising your online presence and utilising the location-based services at hand can make your business much more visible and easier to find. And you can use many platforms for localisation, including various social media platforms, Google, and Yelp. 

By providing your company's details to these platforms, you'll improve the chances for more people from your area to reach you, bringing more potential customers to your business.

Localisations can make your company more competitive. You won't be in the same global marketplace as other more prominent competitors.

5. Live Chat

Customer service and customer satisfaction are vital aspects of modern business. And your website could improve them vastly if you incorporate live chat. 

Your company will have an easier time building trust, making conversions, and retaining customers if a real-time support service is available. 

Customers can sometimes differentiate between mediocre and successful businesses, making it possible to reach support whenever they need it. 

Remember that your live chat can be staffed by remote workers, so you don't have to worry about the feature not being available.

As it's relatively straightforward to set up and use live chat, your company should utilise the valuable feature.

Leverage the Tech for the Best Results

Implementing modern technologies could prove invaluable to your company. With so many available tools at hand, all you need to do is explore the options and decide on the services that will impact your business the most. With the trend towards SaaS options, you can often obtain free trials of solutions in each of the above spaces, so you can very much try before you buy. We think that makes sense. 

Want to know what specific solutions we recommend? Why not book a call

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